

Mar 31, 2023

reTerminal DM

Seeed Studio's reTerminal DM is an upgrade to the Raspberry Pi CM4-powered reTerminal with a larger 10.1-inch touchscreen display and a greater range of features and interfaces for various industrial applications.

Described as a "Panel PC, HMI, PLC, IIoT Gateway all-in-one device", the new reTerminal DM notably supports 12V-24V variable DC input and optionally PoE power input, its front panel is rated IP65 for protection against liquids and dust, a range of wired and wireless connectivity options are offered, and it also includes some serial and digital input and output interfaces.

reTerminal DM specifications:

Panel, VESA, and DIN Rail mounting options are offered, and we can find a fair amount of optional features in the specifications because Seeed Studio can customize the design upon request. On the software side, the new HMI controller runs Raspberry Pi OS or SenseCraft Sense OS with "a natively integrated Node-RED for flow-based editing and one-click deployment" compatible with all software that runs on the Raspberry Pi. More details to get started can be found in the wiki.

Samples of the reTerminal DM can be purchased for $409.00 plus shipping on the Seeed Studio website.

Jean-Luc started CNX Software in 2010 as a part-time endeavor, before quitting his job as a software engineering manager, and starting to write daily news, and reviews full time later in 2011.

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